
Ray Schofield

The Sunderland Point art works of Ray Schofield

Ray Schofield was a talented, loving, generous, funny, eccentric character who was respected by many in this area for his artwork, including paintings, drawings and sculptures, often of wildlife.

Ray, born in 1948, lived at the Point for a few years after moving from Overton, where he part-owned the Old Schoolhouse art gallery in Middleton Road. He trained at Lancaster Art College and then Leeds Art College. He spent two years teaching in Whitehaven before returning to Lancaster to a post in the Adult Education Centre.

He taught in the Art Department at Lancaster Morecambe College for 30 years.

Ray produced many highly acclaimed sculptural and mural works throughout England and Wales for churches, public buildings, schools, and parks. As a working artist, he also illustrated children's books. He famously illustrated six books in the ‘Gladys and Dragon’ series. He also was inspired by JRR Tolkien’s Hobbit and Lord of the Rings trilogy to produce some extraordinary pictures and sculptures.

Perhaps his best-known works include the mosaic for Ripley St Thomas School in Lancaster and the sundial in Williamson Park. The sundial, with each month cast in bronze, is situated on the site of the old bandstand. A visitor standing on the current month becomes – if the sun is shining - the ‘shadow caster’ and gains a rough idea of the time of day.

Ray had five children and died at the tragically young age of 55 in 2004.

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