Dated Before 1918
We have picked the arbitrary date of 1918 to divide up our older Sunderland Point photographs.These date before 1918 and are the oldest in our collection. We will be exceptionally grateful to see images of the Point from before the First World War.
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Please do not copy without express permission.
1. First Terrace pre 1918: From the collection of Wilton Atkinson.
2. Newly built Dolphin House c1914. From the collection of Elizabeth Hampson.
3. Photo dated 1900. Sunderland Point fisherman. The haaf net appears identical to one today: From the collection of Wilton Atkinson.
4. Hugh, Mrs Cunliffe, Doris Smith and Barbara. Dated 1918 on the steps of Upsteps: From the collection of Hugh Cunliffe.
5. The Summer House, top of the Lane c. 1900: From the collection of Wilton Atkinson.
6. Mr and Mrs Young, Rosemary and Bob on the steps of Upsteps cottage, dated 1916: From the collection of Hugh Cunliffe.
7. Land lighthouse: From the collection of Hugh Cunliffe.
8. 1916 Photo. The sign reads 'Mason's Temperance Hotel. Apartments. Teas Provided. Stabling': From a private collection.
9. The Summer House - top of the Lane - in 1888: From the collection of Wilton Atkinson.
10. Early photo of the Mission Church: From the collection of Wilton Atkinson.
11. Children playing with a goat cart. Outside number 7: From the collection of Wilton Atkinson.
12. Children in the Lane c.1889 From the collection of Wilton Atkinson.
13. Upsteps in 1912: From the collection of Hugh Cunliffe.
14. Earliest known image of Sunderland Point - from the top of the Lane: From the collection of Wilton Atkinson.
15. Robert Gardner in 1913 with his 1912 3.5HP Triumph outside Number 9: From the collection of Wilton Atkinson.
16. Band (of Hope) c1900: From the collection of Alan Smith.
17. The Land Lighthouse c1900: From the collection of the Gilchrist family.
18. Thomas Jackson (of Gravelly) c1890: From the collection of the Gilchrist family.
19. In front of the Mission Church 1894: From the collection of Wilton Atkinson.
20. The Butchers Van: From the collection of the Gilchrist family.
21. Margaret and Thomas Jackson (Gravelly) c1890: From the collection of the Gilchrist family
22. Thomas and Margaret Jackson c1890: From the collection of the Gilchrist family
23. Margaret Jackson c1900, Mrs Jackson’s shawl is pinned back showing she’s taking a break from inside work. If it was folded down we’d know she was working outside: From the collection of the Gilchrist family.
24. The top of the Lane photo: From the collection of Wilton Atkinson.
25. Early 20th century image of First Terrace. From a private collection.
26. Pre-1914 photo of the grave. From a private collection.
27. Cleaning and mending nets: From the collection of the Gilchrist family.
28. Upsteps 1914: From the collection ofHugh Cunliffe.
29. The Cotton Tree c1910: From the Gilchrist family collection
30. William Townley and Family at Hall End Cottage (number 23) 1890s: From the collection of Wilton Atkinson.
31. Number 21, storm of 1907: From the collection of the Gilchrist family.
32. Gravelly at the end of the causeway. Not much more than a stoney track c. 1910: From the collection of Hugh Cunliffe.
33. Rear of number 21 after the 1907 flood: From the collection of the Gilchrist family.
34. Number 21 after the 1907 flood: From the collection of the Gilchrist family.
35. William ‘Barney’ Dickinson: From the collection of Wilton Atkinson.
36. Second Terrace: From the collection of Hugh Cunliffe.
37. William Townley and friend: From the Gilchrist family collection.
38. The Young family 1914: From the Collection of Hugh Cunliffe
39. Arthur Townley tree planting at Dolphin House: From the Gilchrist family collection.
40. Number 21 after the 1907 storm: From the collection of the Gilchrist family.
41. Sale of house contents (Number 8) 1910: From the collection of Wilton Atkinson.
42. Attending the nets c1910s: From the collection of the Gilchrist Family.
43. Margaret Jackson, Gravel Cottage: From the collection of the Gilchrist family.
44. Anne Geddes Gilchrist: From the Gilchrist family Collection.
45. Arthur Townley and family c1905: From the collection of the Gilchrist family.
46. Rear of Number 21, 1907 flood: From the collection of the Gilchrist family
47. Numbers 22 and 23, after the 1907 flood: From the Gilchrist family collection.
48. Tom Spencer and family: c1890s: From the collection of Wilton Atkinson.
49. Thomas Hinde (Slaver captain and investor): With the permission of Lancaster City Museums.
50. Fishermen and pilots with children c1887. A John Walker photo: From the collection of Alan Smith
51. The Stone Step c1894. A John Walker photo: From the collection of Bill Morris.
52. Second Terrace c1900: From the collection of Bill Morris
53. Sailing boats from Glasson Dock towed out to sea by a steam tug c1890: With the permission of Lancaster City Museums.
54. The Family of John Walker c1895: With permission of Lancaster City Museums.
55. First Terrace reflected in a sea pool on Town Skear c1890: With the permission of Lancaster City Museums.
56. Number 7, the summer home of John Walker c1900: With permission of Lancaster City Museums.
57. Tide on First Terrace c1898: With the permission of Lancaster City Museums.
58. First Terrace c1890s: With the Permission of Lancaster City Museums
59. The Sisters of John Walker (Fanny and Jinny): With the permission of Lancaster City Museums.
60. Number 7 First Terrace c1905: With the permission of Lancaster City Museums.
61. Numbers 4, 5, 6 and 7 First Terrace: With the permission of Lancaster City Museums.
63. John Walker's mother Alice and sisters Fanny and Jinny: With the permission of Lancaster City Museums.
64. Second Terrace dated 1905: From the collection of Elizabeth Hampson
65. The Summer House at the top of the Lane c1880: From the collection of Wilton Atkinson.
66. John Pennington c1900: From the collection of Wilton Atkinson.
67. Early Second Terrace: From the collection of Beth Hampson.
68. Gravelly 1900s: From the collection of Beth Hampson.

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