Horizon Line Chamber

Gallery of Photographs
Situated on the West Shore, close to the Grave site, the Horizon Line Chamber is a magnificent art installation commissioned by Morecambe Bay Partnership as part of its 5-year Headlands to Headspace project. It was designed by the highly respected land artist Chris Drury and built during the Winter of 2018/9 by a small team led Andrew Mason a master craftsman in dry stone walling. Within the chamber wall is an aperture and lens facing the westerly horizon. This throws an inverted image, with the land on top and the sky below, onto the opposite wall within the Chamber.
For a full description of the origins and building of the Chamber please click here for the article in the magazine.
This is a collection of our favourite photographs of the Chamber. We are grateful to the following who provided images, Robin Zahler, Richard Shilling, Alan Smith, Rael Powell, Bill Morris and to the artist Charlie Holt for his interpretation of the Chamber.
1 The Chamber
2 The Chamber and the replacement Sea Wall
3 Chris Drury, the land artist
4 At sunset
5 Dry stone wallers, Andrew Mason (left) and Paul Postlethwaite
6 The Chamber from the Lane
7 Charlie Holt artwork
8 Image from inside the Chamber
9 Charlie Holt artwork
10 The stonework
11 The Chamber with a dusting of snow
12 Susannah Bleakley of MBP describing the project
13 Chris Drury speaking about his ideas
14 The bamboo canes providing a building guide
15 The canes and foundation ready
16 Planning the inner chamber
17 Making fast the bamboo joints
18 Building in progress
19 Dressing a key stone
20 The newly finished Chamber
21 Placing the key stone
22 Building continues
23 The lens
24 The inverted image
25 Finishing the doorway
26 Rising steadily
27 Sea side stonework
28 The sky and marsh inverted
29 The inner stonework at the apex
31 Amazing stonework
32 Another inverted image
33 View from above
34 Fitting the lens
35 Corrected image of man on Sea Wall
36 Original drawings
37 Cutting the tape at opening ceremony, from left to right Ivan Wadeson, Chris Drury, Susannah Bleakley, Ted Levey
38 Chris Drury (centre) with the building team
39 The Chamber and Wall from a distance
40 The Chamber with door fitted
41 Another image of marsh and sky
42 The newly built Chamber and Sea Wall
43 Writer of the articles and Chamber
44 Sunset image
45 Elena Jackson (left), Clair Mander (centre) and Jan Shorrock (right), representatives of MBP.
46 Another brilliant Image
47 The opening ceremony
48 Glorious sunset
49 Man on Sea Wall corrected image
50 Cloud pattern image
51 The Chamber at dusk
53 The Chamber glistening in the rain
52 The completed Chamber with plover scar lighthouse to the West
54 Artwork by Charlie Holt
55 Artwork by Charlie Holt
56 Chris Drury amused with cattle
57 Access by Tramper
58 The Chamber with lens facing Westward
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