The “Seven Stars”

Carefully kept in plastic folder in an album of Sunderland Point related photos we find this delightful leaflet. It advertises a concert in the Reading Room perhaps in 1927, almost a hundred years ago.

For three nights, they performed an extensive programme of well known songs and dance. We don’t know how popular the show was, or how much was taken in the ‘retiring collection’ but it must have been a success seeing how carefully this memento has been kept.

We also found two photographs which we publish as we wanted to know who these ‘Seven Stars’ were, we notice they have living relatives on the Point today. The Reading Room is clearly recognisable.

A card titled ‘Sunderland Point Pierrots’ also names them as Mr and Mrs Senior – he was the headmaster of Nether Kellet school at the time – Thomas Gardner, Bert Smith, Arnold Townley, Jim Spencer and Mr Boyle.

We did look up some of the songs and found number 16 - which was sung by Tom Gardner - written in 1914, the lyrics are below.


Famous Photo


Sale of Household Effects